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Soler & Simon Criminal Defense Blog
***This blog is meant to be informational only and not legal advice. Be sure to speak to an attorney about your unique situation. Do not rely on anything written here to make a decision in your case***

Boating Under the Influence
While most are familiar with driving under the influence charges (DUI) in Florida, a person can also be charged with "boating under the...
Can I be charged with DUI if I was not actually driving the car?
The short answer is – it depends. While most DUI's occur while an individual is actively driving a car, truck, or van, it is possible to...
I Was Charged With DUI In Sarasota, Do I Need to Pay The Traffic Tickets I Received?
If you hire us to represent you for your DUI, we can file a motion to consolidate the traffic citations into the DUI case. If the judge...
Is there a difference between a criminal defense lawyer and a DUI lawyer?
Many lawyers, in cities across the U.S. and especially in Sarasota, advertise themselves as "DUI attorneys". This will often lead to...
Arrested for DUI? The jail video may save you.
If you are arrested for DUI the arresting officer may, or may not, video record you. (This will usually depend on whether the arresting...
What is a wheel witness in a DUI in Florida?
What is a wheel witness in Florida? A "wheel witness" is an essential witness in a case against a person for various criminal driving...
It was an emergency and I had to drive and I got a DUI
What is the necessity defense and is it applicable to my DUI case? If you had no choice but to drive because of some type of emergency...
I was charged with DUI but I was not drinking or taking drugs, can I be convicted of DUI?
The state must be able prove that you were under the influence of alcohol and/or, a harmful chemical substance set forth by Florida law,...
Did you get a DUI and get in an accident?
The state may not be able to use any statements that you made during the traffic investigation against you! The accident report privilege...
The state (prosecutor) wants jail, can I do rehab instead?
There are situations where a defendant in a criminal case can convince the prosecutor or judge to allow the completion of a residential...
What is an inventory search of a vehicle in Florida?
Most people are familiar with your typical search and seizure scenario - a cop comes to someone's door holding a piece of paper...
Two or more DUI's? Sarasota DUI Court focuses on getting you help...
If you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) and have a prior DUI conviction, you may qualify for Sarasota County DUI...
I got a DUI, will I need to get an ignition interlock device installed on my car?
An ignition interlock is a device typically installed on the dashboard of a vehicle that requires a person to provide a breath sample by...
Can I be convicted of DUI simply because I have a controlled substance in my blood or urine?
In order to convict you of driving under the influence (DUI), the state of Florida must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were...
What is a "welfare check" or the "community caretaking doctrine"
A law enforcement officer generally cannot search or seize you without reasonable suspicion or probable cause that a crime has taken...
Have you been charged with DUI and suffer from medical or mental health conditions?
If you have been charged with DUI, be sure to tell your criminal defense attorney if you currently suffer, or have suffered in the past,...
Can I get my DUI reduced to a Reckless Driving charge?
It is very difficult to tell from the beginning whether a DUI charge can or will be reduced to a criminal reckless driving charge....
What is the 20 minute observation period in a DUI Case?
A police officer must observe a person for at least 20 minutes prior to administering a DUI breath test in order to ensure that the...
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