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Soler & Simon Criminal Defense Blog
***This blog is meant to be informational only and not legal advice. Be sure to speak to an attorney about your unique situation. Do not rely on anything written here to make a decision in your case***

I have been charged with a crime but do not have a court date, what can I do?
Sometimes people are arrested, given a citation, or given a notice to appear for a criminal case, but are unsure as to what to do next or...
Is it a crime in Florida to let someone drive my car if I know they have a suspended license?
Yes. Florida Statute 322.36, Permitting Unauthorized Operator to Drive, states: "A person may not authorize or knowingly permit a motor...
I can't make it to my court date. What can I do?
If you hire our firm to represent you for your criminal defense case in Sarasota or Manatee Counties we can likely waive your appearance...
Can the prosecutor go forward with criminal charges if there is no evidence?
Many times we talk to people who are concerned that the state is going forward with charges against them or a family member with no...
I'm afraid I'm going to be arrested after speaking with the police
Cops investigated a crime but haven't made an arrest? What's going on? Sometimes a detective will talk with an individual, the individual...
Should I tell my attorney that I am Guilty?
The answer is undoubtedly yes. You should always be honest with your attorney in discussions. Anything you tell him or her is privileged...
What is extradition in Florida?
The term "extradition" often brings up the image of an international criminal who jumps from country to country committing crimes and has...
What effect does pleaing guilty or no contest have on a civil suit?
While criminal and civil court are very different areas of law, sometimes they do crossover with one another. Sometimes when a battery or...
What is jury nullification?
The result of a jury trial is called a verdict. The main two verdicts are guilty or not guilty. These are what are commonly seen in tv,...
When the police officer or detective spoke to you, were you promised help or leniency?
A confession or admission must be freely and voluntarily given. There should be no coercion through scaring a person or offering them...
Can I challenge a stop and search if I was the passenger in a car?
Florida law is tricky when it comes to challenging a search of a vehicle. This is especially true when the passenger of a vehicle wants...
When referring to a criminal sentence, what does consecutive, concurrent, and coterminous mean?
Example of a Concurrent Sentence Concurrent means the sentences are running together at the same time. Let's say that a defendant is...
Can my juvenile conviction be used against me in my adult criminal case?
There are a lot of misconceptions about how juvenile charges work and how they effect charges later on in life. Most people view juvenile...
What is discovery in a criminal case?
The "discovery process" in a criminal case is the process whereby the defendant demands, and the state turns over, all evidence that the...
The state is asking for jail at my arraignment for my criminal case, what can I do?
Often times, yes there is. At arraignment (which is very early in a criminal case) the state usually has done very little investigation....
What are depositions? Can I attend the depositions in my criminal case?
A deposition is the taking of out-of-court testimony from a witness or witnesses. This is where your attorney will question witnesses...
What is an arraignment for a criminal case in Florida?
An arraignment is a court date where the state (prosecutor) informs you of what they are charging you with. In some cases (particularly...
What may happen if I do not go to court (or miss a court date) for my criminal case?
If a defendant does not show up for court for a mandatory court appearance in their case (such as an arraignment, pre-trial conference,...
How much does a criminal defense attorney cost?
How Much Do We Charge For Criminal Defense Representation? Each attorney and law firm are different as are each Defendant's criminal case...
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